1985 in Old Town Square

by | May 24, 2010 | Uncategorized

The coworkers love a good theme party.  Naturally, when we found out that the Downtown Business Association was throwing a “Party like it’s 1985” event to celebrate 25 years since the Square was dedicated, we rifled through the backs of our closets for some good outfits.

A few things happened last Friday as a result of reincarnating the 80’s:

  • I found out that my hair goes in to a side ponytail like it prefers to be styled that way
  • Ladies who lived through the 80’s had outfits that were much more “gritty Madonna” style than the
  • Ladies who were born in the 80’s and had outfits that looked modern and in fashion
  • Hot Coral fingernail polish becomes a permanent part of your body if you wear it for more than 2 days

Jeanie & Julie

Suzanne & Megan

Compare and contrast these photos. Can you guess which gals were teens in the 80’s?

What was your favorite part of the 80’s?  If you’ve got photos of the big party, upload them to twitter @coherellc!

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