7 Timely Costume Ideas for 2021

by | Oct 22, 2021 | Celebrations

The air is getting cooler, the trees have begun to shed their leaves, and the smell of pumpkin spice is everywhere. It’s autumn, and Halloween is just around the corner. 2021 has been another interesting year, leaving us with no shortage of inspiration for Halloween costumes. Amusing memes, technological changes, and larger-than-life headlines from this year all make excellent fodder for costume ideas.

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The supply chain crisis has made it difficult to find Halloween costumes this year, however, with many stores running out of stock entirely. Some of the more popular television and movie costumes, such as Squid Games, Cruella DeVil, and Marvel costumes are going to be extremely scarce this close to Halloween. If you’ve left your costume to the last minute, these seven timely ideas for 2021 can be quickly put together with a printer, a few finds at the thrift store, and items you are likely to have on hand.

Ghost of Internet Explorer

Once an internet staple, the Internet Explorer browser stopped being supported on Microsoft apps and services as of August 17 of 2021. It was the most popular browser in the world for 18 years until overtaken by Chrome in 2016. By June of 2022, it will be officially retired.

Create a Ghost of Internet Explorer costume by dressing in a sheet, and either attaching Internet Explorer logos to the outside of the sheet or carrying a paper lantern with the logo inside of it.


NFT’s (Non-fungible tokens) have been in the news several times in 2021. Digital art like the Nyan Cat and memes like The Disaster Girl and Charlie Bit Me sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Wear a frame around your neck or fashion one on a white t-shirt with your favorite NFT displayed inside to dress up as your favorite high-priced NFT.

Lawyer Cat Meme

We’ve all had more than our fair share of video calls and virtual meetings over the last year or two. Some calls, however, are more entertaining than others. In 2020 it was the “Potato Boss,” a woman who turned herself into a potato on screen via video filter for an entire meeting. In 2021, it was an attorney who showed up to a virtual court hearing as an adorable kitten.

This costume is exceptionally easy to pull off. Simply print off a picture of the kitten from the filter and glue it onto cardboard to make a mask. You could even add an “I’m not really a cat” speech bubble, to really drive the point home.

Jeff Bezos Goes to Space

In July 2021, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made a ten-minute journey into space for his space flight company, Blue Origin. All you need to represent Mr. Bezos’ look for his first flight into space is a blue jumpsuit with the words Blue Horizon taped or drawn on the sleeve in white, a beige cowboy hat, and a big smile. Extra credit if you can find an appropriate patch for the front of the jumpsuit.

Pumpkin Spice

Pumpkin Spice is everywhere this fall! To make an easy pumpkin spice costume, wear your favorite orange shirt and adorn it with cinnamon sticks. If you want to add a fun twist, heat up your pumpkin spice costume with packets of hot sauce or chili peppers instead of cinnamon sticks.

This costume pairs well with a green or orange mask for masked, in-person gatherings.

Anything Fruit and Vegetable Related

The United Nations declared that 2021 was, among other things, the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables. The intent behind the proclamation is to raise awareness of the essential role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition and health.

A costume to honor the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables can be as elaborate or as simple as you like. Create a full fruit or vegetable costume or simply wear your favorite fruit or vegetable-themed PJs. Bonus points if you embellish your costume with representations of several country flags.

Uno Game

The Uno Card game was developed in 1971, 50 years ago. A colorful card game of speed, skill, and luck, it quickly became a popular pastime at parties and family gatherings. Tape or glue Uno cards to a plain colored t-shirt or dress for an easy but nostalgic costume to commemorate the 50th anniversary of this popular card game.

2021 has been a tense year full of changes. Halloween celebrations are a great way to release some of that tension and even add a little levity to your year. Whether you are celebrating Halloween in-person or on a video call, these seven clever costume ideas will be the hit of the party and they won’t break the bank.

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