Be Local, Flexible, Awesome

by | Jun 7, 2010 | Benefits of Coworking, Coworking

Group buying power works.  Gone are the days of carrying the full burden of things that were once out of reach because of cost. Cohere’s Curator Angel is always on the hunt to leverage the freelancers’ group-ness to get better rates, innovative advertising and strength in numbers.

Better Rates: don’t get boxed in by the fine print.  Take your pet shark with a frickin laser beam on its head and blow the fine print to smithereens.  The Cohere community just crowd sourced a Be Local coupon.  Instead of each paying $150 for one coupon in this uber cool book, they each pay $15 and the coupon points redeemers to a page on the Cohere website that lists ALL of the amazing discounts being offered by the freelancers at Cohere.  Watch for this awesome to hit shelves in September at the Sustainability Fair.

Flexible Buying: the Cohere members have the flexibility to get flexible.  A group of freelancers interested in yoga tend to land better rates than an individual.  Cohere members snagged group package rates at $2.50 less/class than normal.  Now, they can get their yoga on…together.

Strength in Numbers: get creative pricing and plans when exercise is on your mind.  Been wondering why we are doing pullups outside Lyric Cinema every Wednesday morning?  Again, the Cohere community crowd sourced personal training with Jeanie Sutter of Mind Body Design to descend on Old Town once a week to do body weight resistance training on the move.

Crowd sourcing isn’t a new concept and it’s just another reason to “be independent together.”

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