Bike to Work Fort Collins: Stranger Things Station

by | Jun 12, 2019 | Celebrations, Events

Stranger Station: A must stop during Fort Collins Bike to Work Day

Bike to work day in Fort Collins is important and MANDATORY around these parts. That’s why we need you to know about the following:

Do you participate by dusting off your bike for the one day? Do you bike to work every day and use this as a way to grab a free burrito on your normal commute? Or do you try to hit as many stations as possible loading up on loot, food and experiences?

If you’re in it for the experience, you’re going to want to be sure and come down Howes Street near Mulberry for waffles and coffee a la Stranger Things.

Wednesday, June 26th from 6:30am-9:30am.

Business neighbors Clay Pot Creative and Cohere Coworking have teamed up with The Waffle Lab, Conundrum Coffee and Colorpro Printing to participate in bike to work day in the only way that super creative people know how…by overdoing it. The Waffle Lab assures us that there is “an epic surprise” coming and Cohere is being earth friendly by offering up our valuable supply of reuseable forks to the event.

Features of the Stranger Station:

  • Stranger Things Photo Booth!
  • Waffles from The Waffle Lab
  • Coffee from Conundrum Coffee
  • Play the Dig Dug video game
  • Coupons for discounted meeting space at Cohere

We expect you to arrive with this much determination on your face only with helmets on. #safetyfirst

For a full list of Bike to Work stops and activities, head over to the City’s site in a few days for the big pdf map.

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