Cohere Bandwidth: What IS or What COULD Be?

by | May 9, 2013 | Coworking

Thank you card CB

It’s hard to pick a song of the week when you don’t have audio on your computer! I picked this song by Post Paradise purely off of the title, lyrics and this line in particular, “If I’ve got strings and I’ve got friends then I’ve got means to all my ends.” <—that pretty much sums up how we feel about Cohere Bandwidth. We’ll continue to collect people and ideas (and maybe some instruments) until it becomes clear what we should do.

We STILL haven’t been able to do a detailed analysis of the focus group info partially owing to the fact that we just completed one last night at the horrifyingly (to me) late hour of 9pm. What we do have is these awesome thank you cards that the musicians signed for all of our pizza  sponsors. We also found out that Krazy Karl’s has AMAZE-BALLS pizza for a great price. After buying 8 large pizzas and 2 cinnamon breads we still have some sponsor money leftover for our next social event; a “Photo Band Reunion” where we all bring a picture of ourselves from band in Jr. High or High School. Braces anyone? Stay tuned for that.

I would also like to share an excerpt from an email that we wrote to help clarify our direction. We got a little lost in our first focus group and got too focused on WHAT IS rather than what COULD BE regarding shared space for musicians.

—Cohere Bandwidth’s process is more in depth and our vision is larger than a simple shared rehearsal space where you pay to play. We’ll be gathering people and ideas together, dreaming big and building passion BEFORE we look for space. This process could take months and that’s okay because the end result will be mind-blowing (we hope!).
We ask for your patience as we will put in the majority of our effort into gathering your thoughts, ideas and opinions before we find that useful container that is a physical space. We promise that this time consuming and extensive process will be worth it.—
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