Telling you everything is a lot of work–but worth it. Here’s what has happened this week. Catch up with last week’s post.
Last Wednesday Julie invited me to a meeting that the Coloradoan hosted at Avo’s to see how they could further support the local music scene. A few of the attendees were Stacy Nick, the entertainment writer for the Coloradoan, Merry from Bohemian (music events), Andrew from KRFC, Alana from Fierce Bad Rabbit, Dani with Spokesbuzz and Hans Mueller with FOCOMx. There were other attendees, don’t feel sad that I’ve not mentioned you.
I went merely to listen and see what was going on in the music scene because I already admitted that it’s a community that I don’t know at all. Throwing caution to the wind, I announced our plans to work on Cohere Bandwidth as a shared rehearsal space in Fort Collins.
Stacy requested to interview me about Cohere Bandwidth the following day, which I did, which was fun. She is nice and lovely. Meanwhile, I filled Julie in and then Julie and Ian (of Wire Faces and our helpful intern) also contributed to the story.
ALSO meanwhile, Julie and I had a late night google chat to tidy up the survey to distribute to musicians on their current reality and desires. Here are a few excerpts of our chat. We couldn’t publish the chat in its entirety because there was ALOT of swearing. ALOT. I did leave some swears in here for you. To show that even smart articulate women swear in the safety of one another’s online presence even when both parties are aware the the chat will likely be published in a blog post.
9:35 PM
me: herd. I can’t believe I’m working right now. Usually I’m watching netflix at this hour.
me: I think that Ian is going to incorrectly think that I’m some kind of shit kicker badass!
9:38 PM
Julie: Ian’s mind is getting blown this semester; he just didn’t realize how much.
Also: you are a shit kicker badass
me: I feel deeply that i need cowgirl boots. Also, I’m getting hung up on the age collection question. surveymonkey is not helpful.
9:40 PM
Julie: You don’t have cowgirl boots? That’s a travesty. If this thing fucking works, I am making it my mission to buy you cowgirl boots as a opening day bonus. You can kick the fucking front door in at christening time.
me: gently as I will have paid out the nose for that door.
Julie: 🙂
9:41 PM
me: Go in there and look at the age one. It’s going to be way time consuming to type all the dates in if we want it that granular. What if we just ask them how old they are? and they type it in? It’ll be slightly harder to analyze but I might be okay with that.
Julie: I just wanted a “select your birthdate” spinner … but age type-in is same thing, really
9:42 PM
me: there isn’t a spinner that I could find. that would be helpful
Julie: What the fuck is wrong with those people and their FREE TOOL. Assholes.
me: ah success. found the turquoise theme colors
Julie: Yes!
me: I was SO worried.
9:58 PM
Julie: Do we need to tell them in the intro who “we” are or leave that to the emails/social media postings/etc.
me: We have room for 3 more questions. Good point–that might be helpful. Then they’ll know we’re not strangers. Well, you’re not a stranger. I probably am. yes, add it.
Julie: OK.
Later, possibly the same night or early the next morning Julie sent this little wonder email to me. Any entrepreneur needs emotional fuel to keep them going and Julie provides it.
Huff Post today. Naturally. With collaboration listed among the greatest strengths in the female brain.
The Estrogen Den is the new Bat Cave.” -Julie
The Coloradoan story ran Friday night online and last Saturday in print. Stacy, if you’re reading this I want to make sure that you know how absolutely lovely and well-written this story is. Never has the Coloradoan so accurately captured the spirit of one of my projects. Love. Love. Love. BAND MEMBERS: TAKE THE SURVEY PLEASE! <—-deadline is May 1st.
Within moments of the story going online, I got a phone call from Pho-Co, a local collaborative arts and recording studio and they want to talk with Julie and I about–you guessed it, collaboration. We met on Tuesday. They were really fun and we like them A LOT and their project is going to be amazing. Watch out Linden Street! THEN, I got a facebook message from Kirk Alberts offering to help out with graphic design and from Carson Block, just offering to help. Everyone has been put to work distributing the survey. Also, my friends Andrea, Kristin, Don and Christi posted nice words about the project and most importantly, my mom thinks it’s cool.
I would also field calls from Jody who has an empty building and Mike Sherry who is already on the runway with his project to bring a shared rehearsal space to south Fort Collins. Stay tuned for more on that.
In the spirit of musicality, I tasked Julie and Ian with finding a music selection for each blog post that matches the spirit of our efforts each week. I told them the theme this week is LOVE and here is your appropriately matched song by Justin Roth WITH bonus love scene footage. As you watch the video please keep this metaphor in mind: as I have already admitted, I have no connections with the music scene in Fort Collins. The music scene seems hot and sexy to me. In this video, I AM THE BLIND GUY. Musicians, YOU are the hotty in the black lacy underwear. You will have to help me find the bed and pretty much lay right on top of me so I can find you in “the dark” but make sure you are wearing a lot of bronzer so I can smell you. Until next week.
image credit: danielle scott