DIY Coworking Furniture: Storage Cabinets

by | Aug 25, 2014 | Coworking, DIY

This week we’ll talk storage. No matter how minimalist your coworking space, you’re going to need a place to stash a few cleaning supplies, some Kleenex and extra cables. Lucikly, Cothere came with a lovely kitchenette with lots of cabinet space. Unfortunately, I’m the only person who can reach anything in the upper cabinets so it limits the utility of our kitchen storage. See Suzi Struggle.



Aside from our kitchen cabinets Cothere has ZERO closets or cubbies in which to store anything. I snagged the below cabinet at an estate sale for $7.50!!! No, the decimal is NOT in the wrong place. I neglected to photo the BEFORE version of this cabinet. It was rough. The whole thing was dirty and the top was a mis-sized particle board nightmare. I removed the hardware and the top, sanded everything and painted it this amazing lime color. It took 6 coats. I’m not lying. We found a perfect solid pine top at Lowe’s and only had to put a few coats of clear polyurethane on it with a super fine grit sanding between coats. We used the nail gun to attach it.

photo 4 (1)

Here’s the breakdown:

  • $7.50 cabinet
  • $15 quart paint
  • $30 pine top
  • Polyurethane from our basement FREE

Total: $52.50

Overall, this little second-hand find was a great deal. It has 4 huge drawers that hold everything from equipment manuals to spare mice(for computers not critters) and headphones. I love it! Have you repurposed furniture at your coworking space? Tell us all about it in the comments!



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