Featured Member Monday: Meet Bill Mastre

by | Aug 13, 2012 | Community, Coworking, Current Members, Featured Member

Bill Mastre

Bill Mastre
Worldwide Business Development Manager
Agent 18

The mobile workforce loves WAHMs. (That’s Work at Home Moms). We’ve got lots of them in our ranks here at Cohere Community. These women write the book on multi-tasking, but they’re not alone. Many have awesome husbands behind the scenes, supporting them all the way. Cohere is unique because we’re home to a very special set of coworking parents, Kristin Mastre, Fort Collins’ premiere food blogger, and her husband Bill, a sales and business development ninja–both of whom have shunned the traditional office for something more adventurous.

This pair represent the future of the mobile workforce, and coworking is helping them to achieve balanced lives while supporting their families. Kristin’s been a member for a while, so this time it’s Bill’s turn in the spotlight.

It’s not hard to imagine where Bill heard about coworking (his wife!) but up until about 6 months ago, he saw it as a haven only for her. Then, he landed a remote business development position for Agent 18, a company that makes protective gear for your electronics. The company’s based in West Hollywood, CA, but Bill gets to stay home with his family here in Fort Collins.

After a couple of months of summer vacation with kids and both parents inhabiting the same space all day, it’s not hard to see why Bill’s favorite thing about Cohere is the silence. “I use it to get away from the kids when I need to concentrate on important projects,” he says. “Before joining Cohere, life was frustrating….trying to land international distribution deals while dealing with a 6yo and 3yo playing zombie apocalypse around me.”

Although Bill spends a lot of his time tucked in the corner with his headphones in, he wants everyone at Cohere to know that he DOES talk. The best way to get him yammering is to ask about his favorite pastime, fly fishing.

Want to pick Bill’s brain about business development strategy or his favorite fishing spot? Come visit us at Cohere coworking

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