Featured Member Monday: Meet Carrie Visintainer

by | May 21, 2012 | Current Members, Featured Member


Carrie Visintainer

Looking for a way out of the seclusion of working at home – or as she calls it, the “insanity” – Carrie Visintainer found a social, comfortable and safe harbor in Cohere. “I joined Cohere to save myself, and my family!” This wife and mother-of-two was drawn to Cohere’s tremendous amenities that her lovely home just couldn’t offer her, including excellent networking, educational opportunities and inspiring diversions, such as a Dire Straits poster that she swears consistently helps her push through writing blocks! Not only do Carrie’s words flow more freely at Cohere, but she enjoys being a part of a committed group of professionals who strive for personal success.

“As a writer, working from home means sitting in front of my laptop for hours on end, trying to access my subconscious, and crazy stuff like that. It’s isolating. In order to feel connected to the larger world, I joined Cohere. It’s been a great balance for me,” Carrie shared.  The social aspect is one of Cohere’s elements that keeps her coming back for more. “I’ve met a lot of interesting people that I might not have come into contact with otherwise. I enjoy the professional connections, as well as the socializing,” Carrie explains.

As a world traveler with a degree in zoology and a Masters in molecular, cellular, developmental biology and genetics, Carrie is part of the remarkably bright core at Cohere. “I split my time between literary projects and freelance assignments. Mostly I write about travel and science, but I’m open to (almost) anything.” Carrie has experienced the success of Cohere’s networking potential first-hand by receiving a variety of freelance projects though her social and professional connections there.

Carrie says that her time at Cohere is spent typing a lot, chatting a little, cracking jokes here and there and enjoying the view out the window. Regarding her favorite spot at Cohere, she said, “I’m a person who loves change, yet I head for the same seat every time. It’s in the brightly lit room with lots of windows. I also love the kitchen, sofa and fireplace.” Carrie knows at least fifteen other Coherians by name and that number may be on the rise – “If a friend of mine was considering joining Cohere, I would definitely recommend it and tell them it’s a great way to learn and grow, and to feel supported.”

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