Featured Member Monday: Meet Darrin Sharp

by | Dec 3, 2012 | Community, Current Members, Featured Member

Darrin Sharp
Faculty Research Assistant
Oregon Climate Change Research Institute at Oregon State University 

We often talk about coworking as a haven for creative types–designers, writers, and developers who like to make something out of nothing and color outside the lines. But that doesn’t mean artistic tendencies are a requirement for a successful coworking experience. Case in point? Member Darrin Sharp. Darrin’s a science man. Not political or social science, but the theory-formulating, hypothesis-testing kind. Yet he too found what he was looking for in the diverse environment of a coworking space.

How did you hear about Cohere?

I was at a Green Drinks get together. I was talking to someone about my job, and the fact that I work remotely. In the course of the conversation I mentioned that I liked my job, but I was finding working from home a challenge (distractions, cabin fever, social isolation – the usual complaints). She mentioned Cohere to me. I did my free day a couple of days later, and joined for 3 days/week immediately. I did 3 days/week for a month or so but was beginning to dread doing the coffee shop/library routine the other 2 days. So I joined full-time and never looked back.

How do you pay the bills?

With my VISA card. Ooops, not what you were asking…I study climate change and it’s potential impacts on the state of Oregon (and to a lesser extent the whole Pacific Northwest). I have a background in software engineering, so I spend a lot of time writing code to analyze the output of climate models.

What’s your favorite part about Cohere?

All the interesting people I meet. One of the primary reasons I joined was for the social aspect. I’ve not been disappointed. And it’s soooo nice to get out of the house and have somewhere to go every work day.

What’s something we don’t know about you?

I occasionally sit-in as a substitute DJ on KRFC (Fort Collin’s own community radio station).


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