Featured Member Monday: Meet Michael Clingan

by | Jan 14, 2013 | Coworking, Current Members, Featured Member

Michael Clingan
Professional Organizational Catalyst
Founder of the Claymore Group

Freelancers work far from the cubicles and constraints of the typical corporate structure. Most of us can’t imagine having to consult with the marketing department before we answer a question about our company, or worrying about whether sales is playing nicely with R&D. Nevertheless, that’s the reality for most of today’s medium to large-size companies. There are a lot of moving parts, and most of the time, executives are too close to the issues to realize why and how they need to change.

That’s where Michael Clingan comes in.  He helps groups think about their purpose, goals, and constraints in ways both creative and logical. Michael’s clients are often marketing, sales or leadership teams that need to create a new level of dialog, either internally or with their customers. Sometimes these sessions are strategic marketing interventions designed to quickly increase a companies sales without new products or discounting. Although his professional life often takes him deep into the belly of the corporate beast, we love the fact that Michael chooses to accomplish many of his tasks in our cozy little coworking space! Sometimes perspective can be everything, and according to Michael, working in a collaborative environment helps keep his sharp.

How did you hear about Cohere? Saw a little blurb in Northern Colorado Business Review and drove an hour to check it out.
When did you join? The day after my free visit.
What’s your favorite part about Cohere? The ability to engage at will with people who, while they’re usually doing something way way different than me, have the same work values.
Favorite past time? Travel and spending time with our 2 and 9 year-old daughters.
What’s something we don’t know about you? My first consulting gig was with “Unsolved Mysteries” as a technical adviser  We filmed in a swamp, in the rain, for four days.

Come meet Michael and our entire coworking community! Sign up for a free day pass here

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