Friday’s Featured Cohere Member: Meet Matt Rose

by | Mar 9, 2012 | Community, Current Members, Friday's Featured Member

Matt Rose -  Developer

Matt Rose, Web Application Developer
Owner of Composition 9

Want to double your productivity as a freelancer?  Meet one of our 40-hours-per-weekers, our very own Matt Rose, owner of Composition 9—as he talks about why coworking is working extra well for him.

To say that Matt Rose has been at Cohere from day one would be an understatement.  Having previously heard of the concept of coworking, Matt was on the hunt for a Fort Collins based space before Cohere ever came to be.  So sure that it was exactly what he needed to make his business a success, he was one of the very first people at the front door–showing up before Cohere had even celebrated its grand opening.  Today, he confirmed that he had been spot on—coworking is indeed working for him.

“I’ve seen my productivity double since coming to Cohere,” Matt said.  Owner of his own web application development company, Composition 9, Matt originally started working out of his own home and like many found it more challenging than he had expected.  “For me, the main (reason for working from Cohere) is getting out of the house. Structurally, life balance wise—I’ve found that it’s really good to separate home and work.  Otherwise it starts to bleed together and you don’t have really clear lines of when you’re working or when you’re not—and it’s frustrating.”

Matt now spends 100% of his work time at Cohere—a balance that feels like a much better fit. In addition to noticing how much more he gets done, Matt also gives a shout out to the added “bonus” of the great community.  “Working alongside others who really like what they do, and being around other people who are doing the same thing (freelancing) and enjoying it is motivating,” he says, “And also getting to bounce ideas off of people.  That’s one of the things that you don’t normally get as a freelancer…is getting to bounce ideas off each other—turns out that’s really important.”

With Cohere being THE place that he calls his home office, Matt is particularly appreciative of Cohere’s new, larger Fort Collins location.  The addition of several private offices off of the main shared space is ideal for Matt and others who also happen to need the flexibility of being able to duck into a private room from time to time for their work.  Also mentioning the improved cozy feel, the great location in town, and the much larger conference room—Matt is happy to say that the recent move was the right move for the Cohere community.

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