I came back from vacation to find some unexpected art on the back of Cohere. Apart from being a little shocked since we’re located not 20 steps from the “free space” in our alley where anyone is welcome to paint to their heart’s content I am deeply disappointed.
I’m not disappointed that we got tagged. It was inevitable. Look at that delicious blank canvas with rusty stairs leading up to Cohere, the independent spirit’s choice haven in Old Town. What disappoints me is that we got tagged by a bunch of effing amateurs. Seriously? Bubble letters?
Let me be clear. I LOVE graffiti. I love really good graffiti. I buy books on it, I watch documentaries on it. Hell, I’ve even hired a graffiti artist to tag our garage and paid him to do it. Here’s my fervent plea, if we are to be tagged again, please let a professional do it. Let it look like this…
This was completed in broad daylight and only took a couple of hours. The free space graffiti wall is BETTER than how he found it. I just want the same courtesy.
Preach on sister! RT @coherellc: Graffiti Artists in Fort Collins Take Note #coworking http://t.co/mMTzTfs
Graffiti Artists in Fort Collins Take Note #coworking http://t.co/mMTzTfs
haha, that bubble letter tag is pretty weak. Maybe we should recruit someone to do something better. 🙂
Graffiti Artists in Fort Collins Take Note #coworking http://t.co/mMTzTfs
Keep watching our new Twitter account!! We all have to start somewhere but some good points: http://t.co/s5ICqdG3 #CSUGraffiti
Keep watching our new Twitter! http://t.co/s5ICqdG3 #CSUGraffiti
Yes, I’m aware this is 3 year old post.
Before you criticize and self proclaim yourself as a graffiti connoisseur, mayhaps you should understand the differences between graffiti culture and street art culture. What you seem more interested in judging by your links above and distaste for throwies (because that’s what they are and SURELY being an expert you knew that, right?) is street art. Graffiti art is more centered around lettering and the two throwies above display actually a very good grasp of letterform and can control. It is disappointing that they decided to not use the legal wall, yes, but don’t discount what you don’t understand so quickly. Condemn them for their poor choices and not their talent.
And for what it’s worth, my wife and I have much more admiration for the two throwies than the mural.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I’m not sure how far down the rabbit hole of the internets you had to go to find this ole post but congrats! To be clear, I never said I was a connoisseur or an expert on grafitti. I merely said that I LOVE it.
You can love something and have really no firm grasp on it.
Take someone who has only ever had squeeze cheeze. They can love it and think it’s the best cheese in the whole world but never know about mozzarella or Munster or goat cheese. So, calm down. It’s okay. I’m sorry I don’t know the difference between street art and graffiti. I still hold my opinion that we were tagged by amateurs and they could have saved everyone a lot of money by using the free space (one of the other 3 walls not pictured) that had plenty of graffiti not street art on it.
Hey where’s the free space? Could you link it on google maps?
There is no free space. The building has since been purchased by a private residence….