Grand Opening a Huge Success!

by | Apr 3, 2010 | Uncategorized

Thank you to everyone who helped put the party together!

To old friends: Kirsten-couldn’t have pulled it off without your timeless style and skills. Michelle-a true friend for helping to pour wine all night!

To new friends: Sean and Liz for coming early and helping with setup and Paul & Jeremy for being my constant early morning companions at the office. To Suzanne and Bumpas for creating the most beautiful and rock solid website I could have dreamed of. To Reu, Kevin U, Julie S & Cali, your enthusiasm and support has been priceless.

To the skilled and passionate: Scott Hapner for teaching us about delicious food, Ron Marks for your wine skillz, Dave Hill for delighting us with your music and Ana for bringing us chocolate.

Finally, to Kevin B, Si and Nick…hats off for your excitement, passion and energy to change the world!

To the guests: thank you for spending your Friday evening with us. We hope you enjoyed the food, drink, music and community.

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