Help Us Make This Coworking Blog Better!

by | Jan 7, 2013 | Community, Current Members

Coherians, we need your help.

As you may (or may not) know, we publish a blog post here once a week, usually on Monday mornings. This is something we’ve done ever since Cohere opened its doors. In the beginning, blog posts were about what coworking is, the benefits it brings to your life and business, and how to be a successful member of a coworking community.

As the community has grown and matured, we’ve added in topics about challenges in the freelancer/entrepreneur lifestyle and how to tackle them, featured member profiles, and insight about how to nurture your creativity.

As we enter our third year, we want to know what you’d like to see on this blog in the coming months. Do you have any questions about coworking, freelancing, business, work/life balance that we can address? Would you like more member info (like the interviews we do) or something different? Likewise, if you’d like to share a tip, experience, or topic and feel like writing a guest post about it, we’d love that too!

If you’ve got a suggestion, question, or idea, please don’t hesitate to share it. You can do so by mentioning it to Angel or Kristin, commenting on this blog post, or leaving a comment on the Cohere Facebook page.


Image via hashir/Flickr

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