More than a Desk: The BEST Coworking Newsletter in Colorado

by | May 29, 2020 | Advice/Tips, Coworking

In 2019 the first issue of the “More than a Desk” newsletter, written by Cohere’s founder Angel Kwiatkowski, slid into my email box and was automatically filtered into my read later folder. It could have easily have disappeared through the cracks and ended up deleted or forgotten like many other newsletters, but the term “dongle biscuit” caught my eye. I had to know. By the time I was done reading the first newsletter, I was hooked.

“I wanted to let you know that I get many newsletter-type things but yours is the most entertaining, insightful, and useful. Thanks and keep up the great work!” -David, geospatial company

A Glimpse Behind the Curtain


Each week Angel welcomes us into her world with a cheery “Hello Friend,” and shares a few of the things that have been on her mind over the last week. Musings that encompass mental health, productivity, and even living with small humans, allow readers to learn a little bit about how the world looks through her lens. It is always entertaining and relatable, and it usually ends up being thought-provoking as well. In the Curious Ideas section, we learn more about what catches her attention as she shares links to her favorite gems from her expeditions through the internet. It is from this section that her audience has gleaned information on visiting a Korean spa, ear rumbling, and the true aroma of the planet Uranus.


“I am writing to tell you that I really enjoy your newsletter – it’s just like being at Cohere and I haven’t been there since that one month in the summer of 2017!” -Larry, CTO

Truly Helpful Hints

The newsletter then turns its attention toward the things that Angel’s readers may need for themselves. If you are looking for suggestions on podcasts, books, television shows, or virtual field trips you need to look no further than the eclectic and fascinating Mixed Media section of the newsletter. It is simply bursting with great ideas. From there you can explore Needful Things, a section of the newsletter nearly as useful for finding exactly what you need as Stephen King’s sinister little store in Castle Rock, Maine, but much less likely to end in mayhem and murder.

“Thank you for your terrific emails. You have been my lifeline on many days.  Keep up the very fun and informative communications.” -Belinda, virtual assistant

Community and Connection

In Connection Calendar, Angel invites her audience to events and gatherings, both online and in-person, aimed at facilitating learning, development, and social interactions for remote workers of all kinds. There are enough Cohere Coworking and Universal Remote events to include at least one or two per weekly installment, but not so many that it gets tiresome to scroll down to the next section, Member of the Week. Member of the week highlights one particular Cohere member each week, sharing some of their special insights into the coworking world. While the highlighted member is usually a human being, occasionally it features one of our less-animate members like art piece extraordinaire Clancy T. Picklebottom or Formerly Beyoncé’s Biggest Fan, a literal fan.

“HAHA! Just wanted to say the bit about the “biggest fan” was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.” -Felix, engineer

More than a Desk isn’t just a newsletter designed just to allow Angel to purge her mind of unusual (but often useful) information. This is a newsletter designed to bring together and lift up freelance and remote workers, to develop a sense of community, and to assist remote workers to succeed in our many different endeavors. It is wise, wonderful, and a little wacky, and worth every second.

Need a pick-me-up?

Subscribe to the More than a Desk newsletter now!

“I’m going to say, I enjoy your emails just as much as “wait, wait, don’t tell me!” Your cleverness brings so much joy and mindful contemplation.” -Erin, graphic designer

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