Coworking Membership: How to Foster Friendships
Cohere Coworking, as a friendship-based coworking community, knows that the most valuable aspect of coworking is in the connections we form. Networking connections made by being part of a coworking community are valuable, but coworking connections forged through...

Community Spotlight: Hidden Treasures in Fort Collins
Fort Collins is well known for its gorgeous landscapes, beautiful historic buildings, and fantastic food. While all those features are truly delightful, much of Fort Collins’ charm for those who live here is in the small, local touches that we learn about through...

Coworking: Resources and Resourcefulness
Entrepreneurs, remote workers, and creatives are all more effective when they have the right resources. When resources are lacking, be that space, funds, or expertise, it can be more challenging for their pursuits to thrive. Resourcefulness is the ability to meet and...

International Goof Off Day
Today, March 22, is National and International Goof Off Day. 10-year-old Monica Dufour of Davidson, Michigan, first came up with the idea for National Goof Off Day in 1976. Be wildly productive and learn about all the best places in Fort Collins to goof off. Book a...

2024 Spring Happenings in Fort Collins, CO
Early spring in Northern Colorado has always been a bit unpredictable, weather-wise. So far this March, we’ve had rain, snow, and bright sunny days. Unpredictable weather has never stopped Colorado inhabitants from gathering to celebrate, however. Fort Collins,...

Putting the Pieces Together with Coworking at Cohere
One of the more recent additions to the halls of Cohere is the puzzle table, and it has been an unqualified hit. The puzzle table is situated in the hallway near the coffee maker and provides the perfect opportunity for a few moments of mindfulness during the day. The...

Reframe Your New Year’s Resolutions
Numerous resolutions have already been abandoned and many more will fall to the wayside before the end of January. If you are one of the many who are considering scrapping their New Year’s resolutions, there is another answer. You can reframe your resolution for success.

Last Minute Gift Ideas for Remote Workers and Entrepreneurs
Along with get-togethers with family and friends and hectic work schedules, traditional winter holidays also frequently include gift-giving. It’s a lot to keep track of, and sometimes gift-giving ends up waiting until the last minute. If your last-minute gifting list...

How the Five Core Principles of Coworking Combat Stress
The holiday season—a time of reflection, rejoicing, togetherness, and stress. Not only do we want to share extra time with the people we love and explore the many additional activities available this time of year, but for retailers, creatives, and entrepreneurs, this...

Halloween: A History of Friendship, Food, and Fun
Halloween has a long and complicated history. It is an amalgamation of several fall festivals, dating back thousands of years. A day in which the veil between the living and the dead was believed to be at its thinnest, a harvest festival, and the day that signified...