Remote Worker Club: It’s New, It’s for You in Fort Collins

by | Jan 3, 2020 | Community, Coworking, Events

Are you a freelancer with remote clients or a remote worker based out of Fort Collins?

We made a thing for you!


Cohere Coworking was just a wee little thing a decade ago, populated largely by freelancers. A robust and occasionally boisterous meetup group called The Business of Freelance was created, combining freelancers that worked at Cohere with other freelancers from the Fort Collins area who were working from libraries, local coffee shops, or their home office. We bonded over pancakes and writing contracts- generating educational exchanges, networking leads, and solid friendships.

Cohere has grown in the last ten years and includes a more varied population of remote workers, including freelancers who work with remote clients. In order to better represent the community we are today we chose to cancel the original freelance group and allow it to rise from the ashes as:

Universal Remote: social connection for remote workers.

This meetup group is designed for anyone who works remotely. That includes those who work remotely for a specific company as well as freelance workers with remote clients. This meetup not only fosters social interaction with other remote workers, but it also offers workshops and engagements that target the subjects that really matter to remote workers, like communication, productivity, and mental wellness.

No need to clutch your pocketbook: both joining the group and attending events are free so you can join right now if you want to!

Still curious about what goes on at a Universal Remote meetup? Keep reading!

What type of meetups are there?

Universal Remote hosts two different types of meetup, one that gives remote workers like yourself a chance to mingle and interact with other humans and another that provides you with the tools to help ensure that both you and your work see healthy and positive growth.

Social Club Meetups: Every third Thursday we meet to enjoy a casual happy hour in the late afternoon, where remote workers get the opportunity to gather and socialize. This event is purely to entice you to leave your home office for a bit and make face-to-face connections with living people. Universal Remote even provides tasty snacks and beverages! These no-pressure get-togethers foster connection and growth within the remote worker community as well as providing a great way to get to know new people in the Fort Collins area.

Lunch & Learn: The first Tuesday of every month Universal Remote offers free workshops covering topics that are important to remote workers. These workshops typically start at 11:30 and are presented by remote workers such as yourselves as well as other industry experts. Since its inception, Universal Remote has hosted several helpful and enlightening talks covering subjects like communication, coaching, and mental wellness; subjects that give you extra tools to make the most out of your remote work experience. Take a look at some of our upcoming events!

Love and Coworking,

P.S. Here is the link to join the meetup group

*** If there is a subject related to remote work that you would like to know more about that isn’t on the list, drop me a hint and I’ll add it to the roster and find a teacher.

*** Likewise, if you are willing to share expert information that would be beneficial to your fellow remote workers, or if you know of a remote-friendly company that is interested in presenting on topics related to the subject of remote working, please let me know here.




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