Going green is more than a passing trend—it’s just smart business. Cohere is committed to being as environmentally conscious as we can in our 3,000-square-feet of Earth space, and there are lots of ways that coworking can help your small business reduce its own carbon footprint as well.
However, all that saving is for naught if we drive our Unimogs to cowork every day.
There are 3 better ways to get to Cohere or Cothere.
- Walk. Or as we say in Fort Collins, Bike.
- Ride the MAX. The Max stops across the street from both Cohere (Mulberry Station) and Cothere (Spring Creek Station) so it’s easy peasy to take. AND you can do something else while you ride like knit or practice your improv or finish that last level of Candy Crush.
- If you’re a fair-weather walker/biker/busser then take heart. You might only need an occasional car rather than owning your own. Our friends at RelayRides have given us some compelling data on why peer to peer car sharing is good. Or you can just call for a ride here.
Have you used a peer car sharing service in Fort Collins? How was your experience?
Thanks to RelayRides.com for letting us use this graphic!
Image via zoovroo/Flickr