People thrive on stories. Whether fact, fiction or (as is most often the case) a little of both, stories are what bind us together—as friends, families, companies, religious group, political sway or country. Stories can also enhance the connectedness of coworking communities. We all have stories—whether our own personal story or the story of our business.
However you’re involved in coworking, tell your story. Here are a few suggestions:
If you’re a Cohere coworker: Do your fellow coworkers know who you are and what your business is? Tell them! Through your own blog (if you have one), while grabbing a cup of coffee, or by showcasing the work you do. Heck – write something about your business or work on one of the dry erase boards! Cohere member Katrina shared her story about coworking at Cohere (and how it has helped her as a freelancer). The more you—the coworker—share your story with other members, the more that the all-important community elements of trust, openness and collaboration will thrive. If you share your story, the collective awesomeness of Cohere will grow exponentially.
If you’re a would-be coworking space catalyst: So you want to start a coworking community? Don’t seek real estate and fancy desks as your first step. Instead, start telling your story—within the coworking wiki, at local meet-up groups, with past colleagues and with anyone in your area that might be interested in coworking. Tell the story of why you’re starting a coworking space. This was a big part of the reason why Cohere opened its doors with a thriving community. You’d be surprised how much more effectively you’ll build a coworking community by telling your story.
If you’re a coworking space owner/curator: Alright, so you’ve already helped create a coworking community. Are you communicating the story of your coworking space via your website/blog, through email updates or even within the physical coworking space? Can potential coworkers, current members, and other businesses easily find the story of how your coworking space came to be? Try posting a community calendar of events/workshops, or a list of resources for freelancers and small businesses. And though it doesn’t fit for every coworking space, an owner or curator can help tell the stories of their members—both within the coworking community as well as outside of it.
Stories help foster the very things that a community requires: trust of fellow members, shared values, an openness to sharing and collaboration, and a sense of stability.
Speaking of community, have you said “Hi!” over at the Cohere Facebook page lately? C’mon – join me!
Now it’s your turn, Cohere members: share your story in the comments below! What is the best thing that’s happened in your business lately? Which 80s band poster on the Cohere walls is your favorite? What’s your favorite place to sit in Cohere?
Image Credit: via Creative Commons License