The More Things Change…

by | Dec 31, 2024 | Benefits of Coworking, Coworking


It is the last day of 2024, and for the Cohere community, it has been a year packed with changes. Not only did we visit new places, meet new people, and learn new skills, but we all came together to move from one Old Town Fort Collins space to another.

Looking to make a positive change in 2025? Book a tour of Cohere Coworking today!

The background of change in 2024 has served to highlight many of the most consistent and valuable facets of our coworking community, including collaboration, flexibility, and connection.


Individuals join coworking communities not just for a comfortable, well-appointed space, but also for connection and support. A friendship-based coworking community like Cohere excels in this arena, frequently bringing individuals together through casual community gatherings like potlucks and crafting sessions as well as more professionally minded meetings like our Cotivation and Aggressive Passive Income groups.

     *Aggressive Passive Income is a weekly gathering where members have a chance to learn important business information from those who have been there, including information on best practices for SEO, how to host an Air B&B, and networking about new programs and products. 

 *Cotivation is an eight-week course designed to support one another during professional and personal development. 


The ambiance at Cohere is designed to encourage members in as many ways as possible. Members can come into the office at any time. This allows individuals the freedom to come and go as they need, making it easier to attend early-morning or late-night online business meetings, focus on big projects without having to watch the clock as much, or just pop in and spend an hour or two being wildly productive.

Our coworking location in Old Town Fort Collins provides additional flexibility by being within walking distance of grocery stores, a plethora of restaurants, and the public library. In addition, we are located front and center to where many professional learning events take place, including the Lincoln Center and Colorado State University.


Collaboration, one of the core values of coworking, is also one of its greatest strengths. An open and welcoming atmosphere encourages members to work together on all sorts of issues—both professional and personal. Members of Cohere feel comfortable consulting with one another in situations ranging from expanding and enhancing their businesses to arranging the colors on a special holiday quilt.

This facet of coworking was best exemplified by our move from our old building on Howes to the new one on Remington. Cohere Coworking members came from near and far to celebrate the move by packing their cars full of boxes and transporting them to the new space.

In the mood to collaborate? Book a tour of Cohere Coworking today!

As members of Cohere Coworking we can look forward to a new year of professional and personal growth, and stand tall in the knowledge that we have a collaborative, flexible, and supportive community cheering us on. Come join us!


Penny Leigh Sebring is a Cohere member, experienced freelance writer, neophyte speculative fiction author, founder of Kiki’s Castle Independent Press, LLC, in Fort Collins, CO, and a gatherer of information and imaginary friends.

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