We Love It (Co)Here! Win A Free 3-Day Pass To Try Coworking

by | Feb 7, 2012 | Community, Coworking, Promotions

Valentine's Day Latte

It’s February, and that means Valentine’s Day is on it’s way! No, I won’t go on a rant about the silliness of this Hallmark holiday, instead, let’s focus on the spirits of the season–love and affection. I feel a lot of that for each and every one of the marvelous mobile professionals that call Cohere home!

If you’ve been meaning to give Cohere a try, but haven’t had time, energy, or just keep forgetting, we love you too…and we want you to come experience the myriad of benefits coworking will add to your life! We’ve got a great new building and lots of talented freelancers for you to rub shoulders with.

Because we think this place is pretty neat—the first three people that comment on this post will get a free 3-day pass to try it out for themselves.  Sweet, huh?  (Does not apply to current members—offer valid through Feb. 13).

Comments can be as simple as “I really want to win!” or you can tell us your entire freelancing life story. We like stories.

Current members, please tweet and post this to Facebook so your self-employed friends and neighbors will have an opportunity to win!

Image Credit: Flickr – WordRidden

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