Why Cowork?

by | Mar 11, 2010 | Uncategorized

“Cohere is all about collaborative, engaging, and creative productivity. It’s like no other working environment you’ve ever been 2” -Nick Armstrong

“Executive office suites can give you some perks, but coworking gives you some peeps. And that’s how I work best – as an independent spirit in an interdependent world.” – Julie Sutter, freelance writer and coworking convert

“Coworking motivates me and inspires me.  When I’m in a group of people working on their own projects, I feel much more inclined to power through work instead of giving into outside distractions.  Coworking is like my boss that I can tell I’m leaving for the day at noon if I feel like it.” –Suzanne Akin, freelance graphic and fashion designer

“Coworking is a perfect mix. There is productive time and social time. An opportunity to meet people for personal and professional collaboration. It’s fun, it’s productive…” – Skippy, photographer

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