Cotivation starts soon! The cost to join is $49/person for the 8 week session.

Hello! We’re excited that you’re interested in Cotivation, an online community for members of Cohere coworking in Fort Collins, CO.

Cotivation is a 8 week accountability and support group for freelancers and remote workers.

Whether you have a large project looming or smaller tasks you need to get done each week, our weekly meeting and optional work sprints will have you moving your work tasks from to-do to TO-DONE!

You commit to attending a one hour check-in meeting each week. We understand that life happens and you’ll need to miss a meeting so everything can be updated asynchronously via google docs.

We commit to supporting you and your goals whether you need to drink more water, ask for a raise or learn a new skill. You can expect to laugh, make new friends and find a helpful community of people just like you.

What’s included in Cotivation?

  • An active slack room with dedicated #cotivation & #to-done channels. To-done is where we list our accomplishments…no matter how small. We will 100% celebrate you flossing your teeth AND getting a promotion.
  • Weekly one hour online check-ins.
  • A 1 on 1 accountability partner.
  • Two work sprints each week, which are optional dedicated times to work on your cotivation goals as a group.

Okay, but how much does it cost?

We really want you to try it so it’s only $49 for the 8 week series. That’s about $6.00 a week and you’re pretty much guaranteed to make new friends, get A LOT of goals accomplished and laugh along the way. We’re finding that laughter is in short supply these days.

If you nodded your head in agreement with even one thing you just read, it’s time to take a mini-leap into maximizing your happiness as a work-from-homer. Fill out this easy form and you can be in the next Cotivation! We keep our groups small so space is limited.


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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