Cohere Membership: Wait List Process

by | May 20, 2011 | Community, Coworking

It’s very exciting to announce that Cohere is filled with so many awesome members that we’re currently not taking any more day time members. Don’t fret though!

Here’s how you can participate in the community until a slot comes open for you:

1. Sign up for a Free Day Pass. We still have space for prospective members to come try it out for a day. This is a great way to choose which membership level you’d like to wait for. We’d prefer you to come on Fridays or Wednesday evenings.

2. Join as a  Nite Owl Lite member. Cowork every Wednesday night from 4p-10p.

3. Join our Meetup group called The Mobile Workforce. By joining this free membership group you’ll have access to our social and educational events calendar. Many of our classes and events are free for everyone or very affordable so this is a great way to plug in to the community without having a Cohere membership.

4. Get on the wait list! After you come cowork on a Free Day Pass, talk with Angel about getting on the list. Here’s how it works: Names are put on the list in order by date. If a membership becomes available, we’ll email each person in turn until someone snaps up the membership. Wait listers are welcome to “pass” on that level of membership but understand that there’s no guarantee when the next membership will come open. If you accept an available membership that is lower than you want, we’ll add your name to the bottom of the wait list and repeat the process until you are coworking as often as you want.

5. Participate in the online discussion on Twitter or Facebook.

Image credit: ferminet

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